To Teach AI

To Teach AI

To Teach AI is an artificial intelligence for your classes. Use ai to create personalized teaching materials and exercises that are tailored to the interests and and needs of your students.

Plan your next lesson now or create exercises and worksheets with to teach educational AI.

To Teach AI Features

  • Choose from more than 500 prepared exercises & worksheets for your school subject. Customize all content to your lessons and learners with a single click!
  • Change and expand your own content based on your texts, images, documents, YouTube videos or articles from the Internet.
  • The new reading and listening comprehension worksheets will keep your students hooked while they master their language skills.
  • Harness AI-powered technology to adapt materials to each student’s language level, difficulty, and topics.

How does artificial intelligence work at to teach?

To teach uses artificial intelligence to create practice exercises and personalize educational content.

To ensure the quality of the teaching content, the team provide a human-made framework in order to be able to exploit the potential of AI.

The team follow the Human-Centered AI approach on creating AI systems that amplify and augment rather than displace human abilities.

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