Struct Chat AI

Struct Chat AI

Struct Chat Platform AI is your go-to solution for enhancing and elevating team communication and collaboration through AI-driven features. With a focus on knowledge enhancement, Struct AI platform is designed and developed to streamline conversations and help you find information with ease.

Key Features and Benefits of Struct Chat AI

  • Generative AI: This feature adds context and relevance to discussions, saving time and improving efficiency in discussions.
  • SEO-Optimized Knowledge Pages: Struct AI generates a very good SEO-optimized knowledge page for each conversation, making information easily referenceable and searchable on search engines such as Google, bing, and yahoo.
  • Transparent Pricing: You can enjoy the free option with unlimited users and public channel threads. You can upgrade to the paid plan for additional features like unlimited threads, custom domains, community join links, and custom JavaScript code.
  • Vector Search: Find thread similarities and perform semantic searches across conversations for accurate results.

Struct Chat AI User Benefits

  • Efficient Context
  • Accessible Documentation
  • Flexible Pricing
  • Enhanced Search

Subscription Pricing Plans for Struct Chat AI

  • Free: Free forever
  • Struct Pro: $37/month with unlimited threads, custom domain, community join links, and custom javascript code


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