Humata AI

Humata AI

About Humata AI

Humata AI is an AI-powered chatbot designed to help and assist its users in efficiently managing and understanding their files. This tool creates vector embeddings for semantic search and utilizes the latest advances in AI to synthesize results based on natural language commands.

Key Features and Advantages

Feature Advantage
Instant answers You can ask this tool questions about your data and receive AI-powered responses immediately within a few seconds.
Faster research This tool understands complex documents 100 times faster with AI assistance.
Data extraction It summarizes, synthesizes, and extracts valuable information from files.
Q&A capabilities It answers hard questions related to your files quickly without wasting any time.
Automatic writing It creates new content based on your file and speeds up writing tasks.

Use Cases for Humata AI

  • Researchers: For researchers who are seeking to quickly analyze and understand complex documents.
  • Students: For students aiming to write papers more efficiently.
  • Business professionals: For business owners who need to extract valuable insights from files.

Pricing Plans

Plan Details
Freemium 60 pages, Unlimited Questions, Page References and highlighting, Access to New Tools, Asking questions across a single file or multiple files all at once
Pro Plan $14.99 Process Unlimited Pages (250 pages included, then $0.01 per page after that), Unlimited Questions & PDFs, Chat Support, Page References & Highlighting
Enterprise Plan You need to contact the Humata AI team to have the following access: Team Management Features, Privacy & Security Requirements, Enterprise Support, Uptime SLA, API & Integration Support


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