Have been wondering if it will be possible for you To Turn Images Into Videos. Well, don’t worry we got you covered here.

In this AI How To article, I will show you how now, using just 1-3 AI tools you can start turning your images into videos with just simple clicks. Just follow my step-by-step guide to successfully turn any kind of image into Video only using AI Tools and your normal video editing tool.

After the whole procedure and steps, I will be dropping the final result for you and the links to the AI used for this How To Use AI To Turn Images Into Video step-by-step tutorial.

Step One (1)

The First AI Tool is Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI is the first thing I will be using, Leonardo AI is the tool, I will be using to create the image I will be turning into a video. But, for you, you can use any image of your choice to do that.

Launch your browser

Go to Leonardo AI

AI To Turn Images Into Video

Once you are on the home page of Leonardo Ai,

Click on Start using Leonardo

Click on Yes, I’m Whitelisted

A New Tap will be open on your browser, Wait for it to finish loading, once it finished loading, it will show you a login form.

AI To Turn Images Into Video

If this is your first time visiting this AI, then you will have to create an account to give you access to the main page where you can start generating your image. You can use your Gmail account to automatically login or Sign up if you don’t have an existing account.

After logging in or signing up, you will now have access to the main page.

AI To Turn Images Into Video

Once you are able to see the above page you are almost there, I mean you have just a few clicks to start generating your first image.

Now, on the left-hand side, you will see different options.

Scroll Down and Click On AI Image Generation

AI To Turn Images Into Video

Once you click on the AI Image Generation, new options will be open for you.

Now on this part, you will have to select the following:

  • Number of Images
  • Prompt Magic
  • Input Dimensions

But, all these are optional, you can customize it to your own test or how you want your image to be generated. Now, we will move to the part where we will give Leonardo Ai our prompt on how we want the image to be generated.

Type your prompt (What you want the AI to generate for you).

See, after typing my prompt, this is what I got.

This is the image This AI-generated for me.

Once you have your image generated successfully, download the image on your PC or device.

Now, we will move to the next step, where we will be turning the above-generated image into a moving character (video).

Step Two (2)

The second AI Tool is RunwayMl Gen-2

RunwayMl Gen-2 is the second AI tool that we will be using now to transform our image into video, it’s a free tool for now.

Open a new tap on your browser

Go to RunwayMl Gen-2

Once you are on the home page of RunwayMl Gen-2,

Click on TRY NOW

A New Tap will be open on your browser, Wait for it to finish loading, once it finished loading, it will show you a login form.

If this is your first time visiting this AI, then you will have to create an account to give you access to the main page where you can start turning your image into a video clip. You can use your Gmail account to automatically login or Sign up if you don’t have an existing account.

After logging in or signing up, you will now have access to the next page, where you will choose your plan, to start. Just click on the Free Plan

After choosing the free plan, or any plan of your choice, then a new Dashboard will be open for you on a new tap.

Click on Image to Video

After clicking on the Image to Video option, a new workspace will be open for you.

Once it is open, you can now drag and drop the image, or just click on the image icon to browse the image from the folder you save the image.

For me, I will be using the image generated by Leonardo

After uploading the image, Click on Generate

Once you click on generate, the AI will start generating the video for you, but it will be queued.

This is what you see after clicking generate

Wait for the process to finish up.

Once the AI has finished generating your video for you, you can now click on the download icon, to download the video to your device.

Read This Also: How to Create A Very Good-Looking Image Using AI

Once you click on the download Icon, the video generated will be downloaded to your device.

You can repeat the process to generate different scenes and simply use your video editing tool to create a full video. You can create any kind of video, your only limit to creating a good video is your imagination.

This is our final result from this tutorial

Links to the AIs used:

  1. Leonardo AI
  2. RunwayMl Gen-2

Explore on: AI Site Hub


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